As long as I can remember I have been a fan of hip-hop music. I grew up with it and will probably die with it. I have seen it grow and change into many different things. I can remember having a "Go to work" single tape by Kool Moe Dee and playing it in my fisher price tape player. lol. In some ways hip-hop feels like a member of my family. Hip-hop is that cousin or that uncle that you always looked up to that could never do any wrong in your eyes. Well at least you thought they could never do any wrong until you saw them lose all respect for themselves. That "favorite" uncle or cousin is not the same when they can't put that bottle down, when they can't leave that pipe along, or when they turn their back on you. Hip-hop has become that way today. Hip-hop has been sipping its own Kool-Aid. The problem is that people don't realize what is going on or they don't want to say anything about it because it might upset somebody. Its just like that "favorite" uncle or cousin, if you really care about that person then you won't just sit by and watch them suffer you will do what you have to do to help them out.
My problem lies with the BIG name rappers who claim to be this and that. They no longer treat it as a art form. In doing this they are disrespecting those who paved the way for them. Everybody is tip-toeing around these guys. People are scared to call them out and say what they know is true. These guys are feeding us bull! By know I'm pretty sure you are wondering who in particular I am talking about. The first two that come to my mind are LIL WAYNE and YOUNG JEEZY. I can't knock their talent because they are both very good at what they do. The next time you listen to the radio just listen to the verse and try to take something from what they are saying. I have news for you, YOU CAN'T! because there is nothing to take except for words that have nothing to do with nothing. Lil Wayne's words and lyrics are very clever and creative but they have no meaning no purpose, no substance. So Lil Wayne I want to congratulate you for being a word wizard! Whoopty motherfreaking do! This does not make you the BEST! The only reason people consider Lil Wayne to be the best is because no one has challenged him. No one thinks for themselves anymore they just accept the publics opinion as their own. After you read this I really want you to listen to music with an objective ear. 90% of the time rappers on the radio do not stick to subject of the song. I love "Put On" as a song. I really do like the song, but what is Young Jeezy talking about? How can you have a song called "Put on for my city" but you never mention ATLANTA not one single time in two verses!!! So basically what he his telling us is I can say whatever I want to as long as the beat is on point and the hook is catchy because it really doesn't matter people are going to like me regardless of what I do because they don't think for themselves. T.I. said it best "They get high and say whatever the f*ck they feel like". I feel that the so called "big dogs" in the game have a responsibility to put forth their best effort every time they touch the mic and not just when they get ready to. They owe it to hip-hop and themselves!! Where is the creativity? Originality? Motivation? Purpose? Pride? Hip-hop has gone away from the art keeps it fresh but it is more about the BIG BUSINESS. Can we please stop with all the POLITICAL CORRECTNESS, its just code for I don't have the balls to say what I want to say!
I was motivated to write this after listening to The Carter III. I was thoroughly disappointed in the album. If the so called "Best Rapper Alive" can't even put together a solid album then what do we have to look forward to. I hate to say this but Lil Wayne is hurting the game more than he helps it. For him to be the supposed BEST his album has too many misses. 6 out of 17 songs is NOT GOOD. Slowly but surely hip-hop is being killed. You can thank your favorite rappers for that. Don't get me wrong their are a lot of rappers that are doing their best to save it but the reality is that they are outnumbered and mostly unheard by the general public. I hope that some of you have your own mind and still think for yourself.
So like I said if you really care about your "uncle" help him out. The doctor said he doesn't have much time.
-The Koolest
please respond I want to know what you "honestly" think. You don't have to agree with me just be honest.