Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome to the Party Life

This past weekend I was privileged enough to attend T.I.'s private party at the Biltmore Hotel saturday night. For somebody that is not impressed by celebrity appearances and "industry" events I was thoroughly pleased with this one. The first thing that stuck out to me was the dress code which did not allow guys to wear jeans. When I heard that I knew what kind of night it would be. The entire bottom floor of the Biltmore was rented out for the party. That space included the Georgian Ballroom, the Imperial Ballroom, the lobby, and two bar areas. By the way I did my research and it cost about $20,000 just to rent the spot out. Now what would a celebrity party be without free drinks? Of course it was a Patron Tequila open bar (my favorite part). The scenery of the Biltmore is already very impressive to add to that there were about 20 girls with colonial-style whigs and outfits (of course the dresses were short). There were also topless painted models that walked through the crowd. As the night went on I was able to briefly speak to many of the people in attendance. Most people agreed that they were enjoying themselves (some a little too much than others) hint hint the bar. lol. I did have the opportunity to run into a friend of mine David Ratchford, fashion designer for Navier clothing line. He did mention that he has a shoe coming out soon so be on the lookout for that. I also spoke with the owner of DBS sounds, D. Tobago Benito. He said that he was really enjoying himself and that the night was about people gathering, having a good time, and celebrating success". The most interesting conversation I had Saturday night was with three young ladies, Porsha, Aladora, and Alyssa from Pine Bluff, Arkansas. They won a contest at their local radio station, 96.5. The told that they flew in on Friday and were leaving Sunday morning. They seemed to not like the idea that the radio station sent them to Six Flags like they were kids or something. lol. All in all they told me they really liked Atlanta and were really enjoying the party. Often times at events like these you don't really get to know people. The conversation normally goes like this "I'm such and such and do blah blah blah for who know you". A lot of "industry talk" and people hyping themselves up. The three young ladies from Arkansas were genuine and sincere in the 5 or 10 min that I did speak with them. So I would like to thank Porsha, Alyssa, and Aladora for being the "realest people in the room".


Sunday, September 7, 2008


As we head into the home stretch for this historic election each day becomes more and more important. I first want to urge you to register to vote if you haven't already done so. Voting rights are a privilege in this world we live in. You must understand that there are those who fought and died for this democratic process that we have. We all have a responsibility on November 4th to exercise our right to vote.
I also encourage you to vote for the person who you feel is best qualified for the job not because of gender, race, party affiliation, popularity, or any other irrelevant factors. However, I will be casting my vote for Barack Obama. I believe that he will be a great leader for our nation and I feel that he is best candidate for the job. As an African-American I am proud that we share the same ethnic background. I know that there will be a significant amount of people that will vote for Barack Obama because he is an African-American. I do not support doing such a thing but I do understand it. I believe that behavior like this can lead to bigger problems if he becomes elected President of the United States Of America. The keyword is United States of America, not the United States of Black America. It is very important that people understand this, blacks especially. Barack Obama is a presidential candidate that happens to be black. If elected he must lead and represent people of all races, genders, political parties, and ethnicities. However, I do feel that he should be sensitive to the needs of the black community, but he is not our saviour. The purpose of Barack Obama's movement is to initiate change. He can not change things by himself. The real change comes me and you. We have the ability to put pressure on local legislators, local school boards, and the so-called leaders of our communities. Black or white if you believe that Barack Obama will solve all of your problems you are sadly mistaken. He is only a small piece of the puzzle.
NEWS FLASH!!!, Barack Obama cannot bounce bullets off his chest, doesn't have superhuman strength, and he definitely doesn't have any super cool high tech gadgets. I say all this to say don't expect any miracles after November 4th. Don't wait for President Obama to create opportunities, create them for yourself. If we don't take action for ourselves then his entire campaign would have been in vain. Remember CHANGE comes from within.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Gone are the days of silence and inactivity. The status quo is no longer a viable option. You have two choices: you can ALLOW things to happen or you choose to CHANGE. UNDERSTAND that this is OUR world. WE are the protectors of this great society. WE have the ability to make things different. Remember the future is history's unborn child. Will you give it the care that it needs to survive?