In my short time on this earth I have learned a lot about the opposite sex. Of course I don't know everything and there is always more to learn. Women can be very hard to understand and other times they can be read like a book. In a world where the divorce rate gets higher and higher everyday and where monogamy is far-fetched. The dating scene in today's society resembles something that you might see on your television screen. I'm not talking about your typical love story, I'm talking about your favorite soap opera or an episode of
Smackdown". That's right it has become that crazy and is always full of drama. Now maybe you are in that one percent of people that actually have the right person and have decided to stick together no matter what.
Now that I have gotten all the formal introductions out the way, its time to get to matter at hand. We live in a world where almost always females outnumber males in most situations. This is even more evident in the African-American community where black females outnumber black males from age 25 to their death. Studies show that females of other races do not outnumber males until about age 45. This can be contributed to a number of factors, black males being incarcerated, black males being victims of homicide, and also poor health habits of black males. Now you have to ask yourself how many black males are actually alive, well, and have their freedom. The first thing you have to do is consider is how many have a college education? How many don't have any children? How many have a job? I hope haven't discouraged anyone yet.
lol. Then after you left with that pool then and only then do you begin to look at normal things like how many are attractive? Have a good personality? Good morals? Responsible? Honest? and whatever else you consider when looking for a potential mate. i say all this to say I empathize with African-American females. The pool you have to choose from is not that big.
Now I can empathize with you but I have to say that there are a lot of "good" single black men out there. I know a times it might seem hard but they do exist. When you do get the opportunity to meet one these men I encourage you to take FULL ADVANTAGE. So black women I ask you to let go of the EGO and your superficial standards and appreciate what you have. I'm not asking you to tolerate the foolishness because you deserve better. I'm just asking you to recognize a "king" because he treats you like a "queen". Just know that if you don't appreciate it their is somebody out there who will. Who is it? The Clean-Up Woman. The Clean-Up Woman can be any race and any age. The Clean-Up Woman is the woman who comes along after YOU gave up or didn't have time for that "good" black man. Unfortunately I can't take credit for the phrase "Clean-Up Woman" you can thank R&B singer Betty Wright for that. For those that don't know (youngsters get up on your old school) Betty Wright had a song called "Clean-Up Woman".
This is how the song goes:
A Clean up woman is a woman who
gets all the love we girls leave behind.
The reason I know so much about her
is because she picked up a man of mine.
Tough and slick was my ruin cause,
I found out all I was doing was making it easy,
for the Clean up woman to get my man's love ah yeah
Just making it easy for the clean up woman
to get my baby's love ah hum, um hum.
I took this man's love and put it a shelf
and like a fool I thought I had him all to myself.
When ya needed love I was out having fun,
but I found out that all I had done
was made it easy for the clean woman
to get my man's love
un huh,
yes that what I did I made it easy for the
Clean up woman to steal my baby's love oh yeah.
The Clean Up woman will wipe his blues away.
She'll give him plenty of
lovin 24 hours a day.
The Clean up woman she'll sweep him off his feet.
She's the one who'll take him in when you dump him in the street.
So take a tip you better get hip.
To the clean up woman cause she's tough
I mean she really cleans up
If you want to hear the song here is the link: