No matter what anyone says people value the opinions of others. Its human nature to want the approval of your peers. Self-consciousness is just a natural part of human behavior. Although we are all self-conscious to a certain extent there are times when we take it too far. Our society has always placed a high value on outer appearance. Because of this there is always pressure to look a "certain" way. Our minds have been trained to judge people based on their outer appearance. For some reason people attach "good looks" with "good personality, attitude". A guy is more likely to give the girl who is a "video vixen" the benefit of a doubt before the "average" girl. Women are more likely to give the guy with the "chiseled frame" a chance over the guy who is a little "chubby". The truth is some of the most "beautiful" people on the outside are some of the "ugliest" on the inside. There are a lot of women that will not go outside of their house without their "face" on for fear of being judged or ridiculed. Where does all this come from? If a girl is only recognized for her "looks" her entire life then she is going to feel like less of a person if her "look" is not "together". There are a lot of women and men too that feel the only they have to offer is their "looks". Why would anyone want to be with someone who is not even comfortable in their own skin? If you feel like all you have to offer is your looks then I suggest you get to know yourself better. (no pun intended. lol.) Guys can be just as self conscience as girls, I mean what do you think all of the luxury cars, diamond chains, designer suits, $300+ shoes are for? You think its all for us? Most of it is to attract women of course. The truth is fresh cuts, beauty salons, hair weaves, make-up, designer jeans, expensive jewelry do not define who we are they are only temporary distractions that hide our soul where the "true beauty" lies.
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