In todays society the "megachurch" has become a common sight in the religious community. These churches (corporations lol.) now make up a significant percentage of the Christian religion. according to recent data there are over 50 churches that have a regular attendance of at least 10,000 people. The pastors of these churches, T.D. Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Joel Osteen, Paula White, are now household names. I'm not going to get into whether their philosophies about religion are right or wrong because its not my place to do that (at least not today lol.). I do however feel like that somethings should be questioned. After a friend of mine, Stanza, mentioned to me that he heard Bishop Eddie Long on the radio say that "On Friday night he was going to have two djs spinning all night long at the church and they would be charging at the door" I was intrigued to find out more about the situation. At first like anyone else I thought that he was joking and or my friend heard it wrong. After looking at New Birth's website I found out that they really are having an after-party at the church. Now don't get me wrong I'm all for giving young kids a place to have fun in a "safe", "positive" environment but charging kids 13-18 for an event at a church is a little extreme and greedy if you ask me. Here's the flyer:

Is this a case of the church going to far to cater to the youth?
What is the "truth" about all this?
If you don't believe me here's the proof