In todays society the "megachurch" has become a common sight in the religious community. These churches (corporations lol.) now make up a significant percentage of the Christian religion. according to recent data there are over 50 churches that have a regular attendance of at least 10,000 people. The pastors of these churches, T.D. Jakes, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Joel Osteen, Paula White, are now household names. I'm not going to get into whether their philosophies about religion are right or wrong because its not my place to do that (at least not today lol.). I do however feel like that somethings should be questioned. After a friend of mine, Stanza, mentioned to me that he heard Bishop Eddie Long on the radio say that "On Friday night he was going to have two djs spinning all night long at the church and they would be charging at the door" I was intrigued to find out more about the situation. At first like anyone else I thought that he was joking and or my friend heard it wrong. After looking at New Birth's website I found out that they really are having an after-party at the church. Now don't get me wrong I'm all for giving young kids a place to have fun in a "safe", "positive" environment but charging kids 13-18 for an event at a church is a little extreme and greedy if you ask me. Here's the flyer:

Is this a case of the church going to far to cater to the youth?
What is the "truth" about all this?
If you don't believe me here's the proof
Good idea, bad execution. I think itd be a better idea to have an offering rather than a cover charge because it is still church and we don't knw who has what to give. I would not chastise a "mega church" as they're so called, because unlike some people who do, I've actually been to one. Two actually. And as NOT evidenced by this flyer, its not all about the money.
I believe this is a very bad Idea! Its not a good look at all for the christian community.There are other ways to collect money..Sell little snacks at this concert/party..Have a time set for offering or just hand out donation envelopes as people walk in..Whoever is willing to give will give..I think charging these kids are tacky & it isnt setting a good example for those who are still dwelling in the outside world.Its already bad enough that Eddie Long,Creflo Dollar & even T.D Jakes have bad reputation being known as money hungry ministers.This is not a good look at all!!
Personally I am amazed. Why would you charge 13-18 year olds anything if they decide to attend a church-related function, especially when there are all these other temptations and morally chalenging parties that put them in situations that they are not of age to face or deal with as an adult? Those are the things that compete for their attention, and often times, are sadly the more attractive option to them...it's like if you don't have it in your heart to change your life already, then why would you pay $10 to attend a church function when you could get in Figure 8 or some house party for free? The church has to understand what there up against. If the purpose is to help youth see that they can enjoy a party and still be within the body of Christ and conduct themselves as such, then they have to take the door charge off to truly be effective.
I cant vouch for the intent, but i will address the idea. Many times the general population & non-church enthusiasts like to harshly criticize the actions of "the church" without thoroughly considering we all need help. Difference is the church goer (worst-case scenerio) acknowledges the help they need. that being said, Judge a tree by the fruit it bears. Please dont discredit GOD because of GOD's people, everybody in school aint being educated. that could be due to the teacher, or the student but the fault of neither neglects the power of the institution. Folks mess up. and we really cant say if it was good or bad because if someone got helped or a kid stayed out of trouble......was it worth it?
if GOD be as real and involved as he is believed to be, then there is no empirical evidence (other than personal witness) to say if it was a good or a bad.
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