Its been eight years since the 9/11 attacks happened. Seems like so much has happened since then but then again it seems like it was just yesterday. That day will live on forever in the minds and hearts of many Americans. I will never forget where I was when I found out about the attacks. I was a senior in high school and I had just come back from a senior counseling trip. I couldn't believe what I was hearing not to mention the person who told me was not a credible source. It wasn't until i heard it on the radio that I realized the magnitude of what happened. Our country was sent into a frenzy in a matter of minutes. Never in a million years did anybody imagine that anything like that could have happened.
So you have to ask yourself what has changed in eight years? What did we learn from 9/11? One thing is for sure airline security is tighter than it ever was. But what else has changed? for the first six months after 9/11 everybody was singing kum-ba-yah and floating on cloud 9. Then reality set back in and we all went back to being our prejudiced, selfish, judgmental selves. We continue to place labels on ourselves and others that divides more and more everyday. if you dont know what labels im talking about then I will give you a few examples: republican, democrat, black, white, christian, muslim, straight, gay, etc. We spend more time fighting about the things we disagree on instead of trying to build on the things that we agree about. We never take the time to actually sit down and talk with someone instead we just judge them from afar. The world would be much better if we would try to understand each other. most importantly as a whole people do not respect each other. When you respect someone you are more likely to listen to them with a open mind and heart. It is my belief that we were all put on this earth to serve a greater purpose. I mean why else would we all be so different? There would be no point of us living if we were all carbon copies of each other. Thomas Paine said it best "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to to the death your right to say it". So the next time you decide to label someone before you get to know them. Just don't....
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